Monday, February 9, 2015

The Neah Bay

As I got to St Clair, I saw my next vessel.
 And that ship was the Neah Bay.  She was escorting the Algosteel up the River.  It seemed like there were spots that needed it more.
 As I was watching her work around St Clair, I saw it bubbling around the side of the hull.  Apparently, she has a bubbler that helps with breaking the ice.  It was neat to watch.
 A little bit of open water.
 I kind of like the reflections in the water part.
 Another beam shot.
 And she heads off.
 I caught her again in Marysville.  As you can see there was quite a bit more ice here, but it wasn't too much trouble for her.
 I couldn't quite see the bubbler though.
And she does her thing.

As I was taking these pictures yesterday, I saw that someone had broken through the gate of the Grand Haven Coast Guard station and assaulted one of the Coast Guardsmen there.  He was quickly subdued.

For the life of me, I don't understand why someone would want to attack the Coast Guard.

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