Sunday, February 8, 2015

Wandering to Michigan City

Yesterday I decided to go lighthouse hunting.  It was supposed to get up into the upper 30's which would make for a good day photographing.  Since it's been below freezing the past week or so, I figured that I would get some shots of ice on the lighthouses.
 This time I decided to take a different tack and I started with Michigan City.  Normally I will start my day in Grand Haven and work my way south.  This generally means that I get to Michigan City around the time it is getting dark.  I started with the Old Michigan City Lighthouse.  I've gotten a few pictures of this one as the train has a pretty decent view. 
 This light was originally built in 1858 to replace a previous light that was here.  It was remodeled in 1904 and I believe served as the house for the keepers.
 It was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1974.  Currently it serves as a museum.
 The Naval Armory was built in 1932.  It was built by the Indiana Naval Militia which was formed in 1927.  Currently it serves as a National Guard Armory.
 It definitely shows it's origin in the 1930's.
 A shot of the River.
 This is one of several memorials to the soldiers that fought in the Civil War.  It is  pretty neat monument.
 I like the reliefs at the base of the statue.
 Soldiers marching off to war.
 These almost look like they are returning.
 Another angle of the monument.
 The Michigan City East Pierhead Lighthouse was built in 1904 and replaces the Old Michigan City Lighthouse.
 It looks very similar to the St. Joseph Lighthouse.
 It was automated in 1960.
 In 2007, the US Coast Guard deemed it redundant and gave it to the city.  It is being preserved as one of 12 lighthouses in Indiana.
 I decided to venture out on the pier but this was as far as I was going to get.  It looked pretty treacherous from here.
 But there were people past this point.
 I kind of like the degree of ice and snow on it.
 I didn't really get a picture of it, but it looked like there were iceballs in the water.
One more shot from the beach.

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