Tuesday, March 31, 2015

A Baseball Game

As I was going down Huron to head home, I looked over at the baseball stadium and saw someone playing there.  I wasn't sure if it was Eastern or not, so I figured I would check it out.
 Turns out that it was two high school teams.  One was the Gabriel Richard Fighting Irish from Ann Arbor (I think).  The other was a Lutheran Team from Macomb County.  There was no score on the scoreboard, so I had no idea what was going on.  I suppose that was fine since I was really there to take pictures.  In this particular instance, a baserunning error led to two people coming to third (one coming back and the other coming in).  Eventually one of them was tagged out.
 This Lear Jet caught my eye as it zipped across the sky.
 One of the players getting a hit.
 One not so much.
 Another swing and a miss.
 The Gabriel Richard pitcher.
 I think this was a hit too.
 Fielding the ball.
One of the other players scoring.  From the look of things, it appeared that this team was winning.

I do know one thing, I need to work on my baseball shots.

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