Sunday, March 29, 2015

Lazy Days and Wolverines

With all the driving I did yesterday, I didn't really feel like doing much.  That is an excuse for me to get some pictures of the Wolverine I guess.  It's fairly easy and I don't have to drive far.
 For the westbound Wolverine, I decided to head over to Depot Town and catch it there.  I was standing by the Freighthouse for these pictures.  That tends to get the best pictures of that.
 It slowly approaches the depot.  The track next to it looks like one of those funky tracks that isn't used anymore.
 It passes the Depot.
 I kind of like this shot.
 And after the train passed.
 For the Eastbound Wolverine, I decided to head over to Gallup Park.  I kind of like this spot.  It gives a nice wooded surrounding.  I think I will like it more when there is some green.
 Another picture of the train.
 It doesn't slowly pass by though.
 I really like this shot.
And I made sure that I was behind the signal.

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