Sunday, March 22, 2015

Wandering Around Cleveland

These are just some of my pictures from around Cleveland yesterday.
 It turns out that the nice looking building next to the Alpena is a strip club.  It didn't look particularly seedy and I liked the way the buildings reflected in the windows.
 I really like the statues but now that I figured out what kind of club this is, they kind of make sense.
 The Alpena reflected in one of the windows.
 A picture of the Alpena including one of the statues.
 A pair of statues.
 One more view.  Like I said, I think it is a pretty nice looking building.
 As I was looking for a spot to catch pictures of the Alpena, I noticed a dock behind the building.  It gave me a nice shot of the lift bridge.
 and a nice shot of the train passing by.
 A shot of the Cleveland skyline.
 A bridge leading into Cleveland.
 Another angle of the skyline.
 As I was taking pictures of the skyline, I saw these rowers moving by and I had to get pictures of them.
 another shot of one of the boats.
 The Duluth was built in 1954 for the Army Corps of Engineers.  She was renamed after she was retired by the Army Corps of Engineers and bought by her current owners.  She is powered by a 1,200 Horsepower Cummins Engine.
 another view of the skyline.
 I went back to Wendy Park for pictures of the Alpena.  I caught a picture of this train as I was waiting.
 It's engine pair.
 A fog covered view of the Cleveland Skyline.
 The Coast Guard station again.
 Another angle.
 One of two pier lighthouses in Cleveland.
 The other one.
 Another view of the skyline.
 And one of the Coast Guard Station.
 We ended up wandering around Cleveland along the Cuyahoga River  I was attracted to this view of the skyline.
 A slightly closer shot.
 A switcher engine.
 Looking down towards one of the lift bridges.  Like many cities in the Midwest, Cleveland is being re-invented.  There are still several reminders of its industrial past.
 One of these buildings being used for something else.
 Looking down the other way.
One more view of the skyline.  I kind of liked this angle and view.

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