Friday, April 24, 2015

A Brief Stop at the Ann Arbor Airport

It was a nice enough night tonight.  The sun was shining the temperature was in the 60's (at least).  So I decided it would be a good night for wandering around Ann Arbor.
 As I was passing the airport, I saw that there were a couple of planes passing over head, so I decided to stop for a couple pictures.
 First up is a Cessna 172S which was built in 2009.  It is powered by a Lycoming IO-360 Engine with 180 horsepower.  I'm pretty sure I've seen this one before.
 I know that I've seen this one before.  It's the plane owned by the Michigan Flyers.
 Next up is a Piper Arrow.
 This one was the only one of the group that was doing touch and goes.
 I was able to get some different angles.
One more picture before moving on.

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