Thursday, April 9, 2015

A Foggy Detroit

So I thought that the Honorable James L. Oberstar would be passing Belle Isle tonight but it turned out she had to stop for fuel.  But that's okay because I saw that the Cuyahoga was coming downbound.  Pictures of downbound ships are better anyway.
 Looking down at the Renaissance Center from the parking lot in front of the Tri-Centennial Lighthouse.  It was a little foggy tonight.
 Evidently, being a color commentator for a team that scored 1 run in three games must be pretty boring.  Bert Blyleven decided to use a rain delay to take a pot shot at the city of Detroit, saying that it looks better when it's obscured by clouds.  Well, if this is what he was talking about I agree with him.  However, he wasn't saying it in a positive way because he decided to double down.  Once the outrage hit a certain level, he apologized and deleted his tweets.
You know what else is up 22 runs in three games.  Going over 20 innings scoreless is also pretty ugly.  So Mr. Blyleven, remember, you fired first.
 Anyway, enough about him.  The Tri-Centennial Lighthouse with a pretty dramatic sky.
 The lighthouse with the skyline in the background.
 Looking over towards Windsor.
 A pair of patrol boats docked.
 I really like this angle and I don't think it's ugly.
 Another angle of the skyline.  I really liked the reflections in the water.
 Looking at the lighthouse from another angle.
As I was heading off Belle Isle, I saw this shot.  I liked how the MacArthur Bridge was lit up.  I didn't realize how blue it was going to look.

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