Wednesday, April 1, 2015

A Pair of Sunset Wolverines

One of the reasons why I only caught a couple innings of the game was because I wanted to catch the Wolverine again.  There wasn't a cloud in the sky, so I figured it would be fairly well lit.
 The Eastbound Wolverine was running an hour late, so I caught it about the time I should have caught the westbound one.
 I'm not going to complain because a train is a train and it was moving slow enough that I could take a few shots of it.
 This is the main reason I wanted to catch the Wolverine.
 And it starts to pass the depot.
 The westbound Wolverine had to wait for the other Wolverine to pass before it could continue on its trek.
 I was getting a little worried because I thought the sun would be down before it would pass me.  This particular train was going slow enough that the engineer had the bell going.
 And a friendly wave from the engineer.
And the larger version of the engine I have at home.

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