Tuesday, April 7, 2015

A Stop in Louisville

Louisville was about 20 miles to the southwest of La Grange.  Since I've never been there before, I decided to head down that way.  I wasn't quite sure what to expect.
 As I was looking for a spot to get a good skyline shot of the city, I saw this train crossing one of the bridges that crosses the Ohio River.  It turns out that it was the same train that I saw in Cincinnati and La Grange.  I think it was stalking me.
 But I will admit that it was pretty cool to see the same train in three different towns.
 And it crossed the bridge.
 Louisville is the largest city in Kentucky and the 28th largest city in the country.  It is located at the Falls of Ohio because that made for a stopping point for people travelling by river.  The first European settlement was formed on Corn Island by Col. George Rogers Clark in 1778.  This picture was taken from Clarksville, IN.
 Louisville itself was named after King Louis XVI of France.
 More of a shot of the rail bridge.  Louisville is a fairly major hub for railroads.
 This used to be the site of the Colgate-Palmolive Plant in Clarksville, IN.  Clarksville is famous for being the starting point of the Lewis and Clark Expedition in 1803.  That particular Clark was the younger brother of the Colonel.  The clock first served at the Colgate Headquarters in 1906 and was moved here in 1924.  Prior to being owned by Colgate, this served as an Indiana Prison.  The factory was closed in 2008 and is being redeveloped.
 The Humana Building is the 4th tallest building in Louisville and was built in 1985.  It is 427 feet tall.
 Looking down one of the streets.
Looking up at the National City Tower.
 Louisville serves as one of the hubs for UPS.
 The 400 West Market Building is the tallest in Louisville.  It was built in 1993 and is 549 feet tall. 
 I like the mix between the older buildings and newer buildings.

 Looking down another street.
This is the National City Tower.
Another pretty cool looking building.
I think there was a plane about every 10 minutes or so.
This street looked pretty nice.
Currently this serves as the Old Spaghetti Factory, I didn't go to look at the sign in front.  But it is a pretty cool looking building.
Another cool old building.
Another view of the 400 West Market Building.
Looking down another street.

Another plane.
A statue of Colonel George Rogers Clark.  He was the highest ranking officer in the American Northwest during the Revolutionary War.  He was the leader of the Kentucky Militia during that war and was famous for victories during the Illinois campaign.  After the war, he led some of the militias against the Native Americans but was found drunk on duty.  Drummed out of the service, he lived out his life in the Indiana territory.  His younger brother would go on to fame as part of the Lewis and Clark expedition.
A head on shot of a 767.
A closeup of Clark's face.  He was also credited with the founding of Louisvill.
I kind of liked this view.
The park with the statue.
A replica of the David statue.
I have no idea what this is supposed to be.
Looking towards the Louisville Slugger factory (I think).

One more view of the Louisville skyline.

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