Thursday, April 30, 2015

Belle Isle's Cherry Blossoms

I was kind of pleasantly surprised when I found out that I could get to the cherry blossoms.   It seemed like they were inaccessible last year when I tried.  This year, I noticed that there were signs pointing in the right direction.  I realize that the race brings is a good deal of money to the city of Detroit but I don't think that it should come at the expense of the island.  Especially when there are nice things on that part of the island.
 The cherry trees were donated by the Japanese Business Society of Detroit and the citizens of Detroit's sister city in Japan...Toyota.  They were donated in 1994 but sadly the years have taken a toll on them.  It was to the point that a bunch of them were replaced with new ones in November of 2014.  At any rate, they make a pretty nice gift to the city because they are beautiful.
 If you look to the left of the picture, you can see some of the barriers for the race track.  That is part of the reason why I thought this part of the island was blocked off.  I'm pretty sure there are going to be more barriers but hopefully those will come after the blossoms have left.  As you can see, the blossoms haven't really come out yet.  I'm not sure but I think I will check them out again on Sunday.
 However, there were enough flowers out that I could get some good shots.  Actually, I kind of like the mixture between the buds and the blossoms.  It gives a nice contrast.
 It's amazing how much variety there is between the different blossoms.  Almost like people I guess.
 A shot of the Ren Cen through some of the blossoms.  I think I will like this shot a little better when there are more blossoms on the tree.
 A cluster of them against the sky.
 I kind of like this shot.  Makes a nice contrast against the green background.
 Another cluster of them.
 I will have to admit, they are a very relaxing flower.
 I wish the water were a little calmer so that I could get a better reflection shot.  Like I said, I'm going to be back.
 The magic triangle.
Another group of them.
 Again, I wish I couldn't see the fence in the background.  It kind of ruins the effect of the trees. 
 I really like the pink ones.
 Another magic triangle.
 A group of flowers that is close to a full blossom.
 A better shot against the sky, I think.
 I kind of like this shot.
 A mixture of full blossoms, partial blossoms and almost blossoms.
And I leave you with one more.

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