Monday, April 27, 2015

The Capt Henry Jackman Makes an Appearance

Next up is the Henry Jackman.
 I ended up catching up to her as she was passing St. Clair.
 To the left is a restaurant that I ate at one.  Behind the Jackman is the park I'm usually shooting from.  Again, I think this is a point where she'd be closer from the American side but I'd be shooting into the sun, so I'll take this picture.
 Soon she is greeted by a giant.
 And blotted out by the giant.  It almost looks like the Speer is eating her.
 She is almost completely hidden by the Speer.
 I caught up to her again after getting off the ferry in Marine City.  I only wanted to stay in Canada as long as the sun was cooperating with me.  That pretty much limited it to the morning.
 Considering that she was repainted last year, she is looking pretty rough after a year.  Not as rough as some ships but still pretty rough.
 I loved the way the clouds looked.
 An almost greenish tint to the water.
 A shot of her bow.  It looks like the multiple trips through multiple locks has taken a toll on that paint job.
 A shot of her pilothouse.
And she continues on.

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