Friday, May 8, 2015

A Stop at Willow Run

I saw that the Yankee Air Force was going to one of their flight experiences for VE Day.  I looked up the times and saw that they would be doing one at 6, so I decided to head over there after work to get some pictures of the B-17.  Although if I had known they were going to do a flyover in DC, I would have taken the days off to watch that.
 It started to make it's move at six on the button.  Sadly, I had to shoot through the fence but it made a nice pattern.
 It was kind of windy, so I couldn't really hear the engines power up.
 And she takes off.
 It didn't take long to get some distance way.  I was hoping that I could get some better pictures of it in flight but oh well.
 I figured I would wait for the return of the B-17, so I decided to get some pictures of the static planes.  First up is the PBY Privateer.  I kind of like this plane.
 The B-57 Canberra with some sort of business jet coming in for a landing.
 The Caribou.
 Another angle of the Caribou.
 The Grumman Gulfstream.
 And finally the B-17 returned.  I almost missed it's return because I wasn't expecting it to be back so quick but I have a feeling they were trying to get ahead of the weather.
And one more picture of her.  I was glad to catch the B-17.  I can't wait to see her again at the air show.

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