Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Another New One...the CWB Marquis

I've been doing this long enough that it is kind of rare when I get a new ship to take pictures of.  I think it is even rarer when I get to take pictures of two new ships.
 The second of the new ships I caught tonight was the CWB Marquis.  Not only is she new to me but she is new to the Lakes.    She arrived on the lakes earlier this year.  I missed out on her maiden voyage and since I figured I'd have a chance to catch her tonight, I decided to head up to Port Huron.
 Sadly, my light was starting to wane so I had to bump up the film speed.  Still not too bad I guess.
 As she makes a turn into the channel.
 She is owned by the Canadian Wheat Board which was created in 1935 by the Canadian Parliament to market wheat and barley.  It was established as the only entity which could buy wheat from Western Canadian farmers.    Anyway, the CWB Marquis is the first of three new ships that will be owned by them.
 I believe she is being operated by Algoma Central though but don't quote me on that.  At any rate, she is very similar to their new builds.
 Just in case you forgot who owned her.
She made kind of a nasty smell though.  She is heading to Trois Rivieres.

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