Tuesday, May 5, 2015

May Showers and May Flowers

I really need to get back on my pace of at least one picture per day.  Granted, I had a pretty full weekend but still, there are lots of pictures to be taken.
 As I was heading into the office today, I passed by these flowers although I'm not sure what they are.  I thought they looked kind of nice.
 It was raining during lunch today.  As I came back into the office, I decided that I wanted some pictures with water droplets on them.  These are our cherry maples about ready to blossom.  I give them a couple days at least but they are pretty close.
 They look pretty cool like this.
 I really liked the way the other flowers looked with water droplets on them.  I will have to admit, this flowers smell pretty nice.
 Another group of them.
Not quite the magic triangle though.

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