Thursday, May 7, 2015

Sunset on Belle Isle

I decided to head over to Belle Isle tonight.  I was hoping to catch a couple ships.  Sadly, one of those ships decided to stop for fuel.  It generally takes them a couple of hours to fuel, so I knew that I wasn't going to catch her.  I just missed the other two.  Oh well, it was still a nice night.
 The cherry blossoms are just about gone though.  I figured I would get one more set of pictures of them.
 There were still some pretty nice looking blossoms to be had.  I liked the pinks in this set.
 I really liked the combination of the lighting and color on this one.
 These trees were planted last year.  In a couple of years they might look really cool.
 I ended up taking a walk around the lagoon tonight.  I wanted to get some different angles.
 The Scott Fountain from across the lagoon.
 This goose ended up following me for a while.  He would hiss at me on occasion and I wondered why.
 When I nearly stepped on their nest, I found out why.
 Some more blossoms.
 the light was just about perfect tonight.
 The magic triangle.
 another triangle.
 I really like this group of blossoms.
The Scott Fountain looking through the blossoms.  I kind of wish they weren't doing the race stuff though.
 Another corridor of cherry blossoms.  Kind of reminds me of the scene in Excalibur.
 The Fountain under the light of the setting sun.
 I hope that they start running water through it again.
 Another detail of the fountain.
 Looking at the lion.
 Some of the ornaments on the fountain.
 I really like the snapping turtles.
 Another shot of the lion.
 I kind of like the full shot of the fountain.
 Don't swim in the fountain though.
 A robin.  I kind of wish I had some blossoms around it.
 The Belle Isle Conservatory.
 They filled the koi pond last weekend.  I'll have to say this looks pretty nice.
 One of the koi.
 The aquarium.
 I kind of like this shot.
 Looking down the straightaway.  The race is just about set up.
 The General Alpheus Williams statue.
And the sun setting.  As I said, it was a pretty nice night but it would have been nicer with a couple boats.

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