Thursday, June 18, 2015

A Nice Evening for Shipwatching

I saw that the Philip R. Clarke was heading downbound and I had a pretty good chance of catching her on the St. Clair River again.  The only thing that was making me waffle was the fact that it was raining a little bit.  Well, the rain didn't last too long, so I decided to head up there.
 It turns out that it became a pretty nice night for boatwatching.  I managed to catch the Clarke at the last place I could catch her before she was out of view until St. Clair.  It was actually a fairly nice spot but it would have been nicer if I had a little more time.
 A shot of her pilothouse.
 Next I headed down to St Clair.  It didn't take too long before she popped around the bend.  If I picked my spot better, I had a chance for a headshot.
 But as it is, I like the three quarters view better.
 As I progressed, the sky started to get cloudier, but I think that makes for a nicer backdrop.
 An almost beam shot of her.
 Her pilothouse.
 And her beam shot.
 Her stack.  She and her three fleetmates are rapidly becoming the last steamships for carrying cargo.  I'm not sure what that means for these old girls.
 This is for all the jerks that tried to kill the Jones Act.
 A shot of her stern.
 I was in a pretty decent place to catch the Kaye Barker as she passed.  This picture represents a trifecta of sorts for me...a train and two classics.
 The two ships pass.
One more shot as the Kaye E. Barker gets closer.

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