Tuesday, June 30, 2015

A Stop at Camp Rotary...Sort Of

Since it was sort of on the way, I decided to make a brief stop in front of Camp Rotary.
I was a Boy Scout while growing up and as a result I spent part of my summers here.  Our council had three campgrounds:  Bear Lake, Paul Bunyan and Camp Rotary.  Bear Lake was the cream of the crop.  It had a nice clear lake and some other amenities.  I think that made it attractive to other people, so the Council sold it.  Paul Bunyan was at the other end.  It had a small lake but the fishing wasn't too bad.  It wasn't very nice though.  I think the Council ended up selling that too.  Camp Rotary was the middle of the road.

I didn't wander around the camp though.  I would imagine things have changed in the almost 30 years since I've been there. I know one thing, it used to be Lake Huron Area Council.  Now it is known as the Michigan Crossroads Council and looks like it is a combination of the old Councils.

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