Thursday, June 18, 2015

Fog Shrouded Muskegon

I decided to head over to Muskegon on Sunday.  I saw that there would be a ship heading into the harbor there and I wanted to catch her as she passing through the channel.  As I was leaving Ypsilanti, the weather looked threatening but that passed as I got closer to Muskegon.
 I decided that I would get the pictures from the pier leading out to the lighthouse but as you can see it was a little foggy.
 In some cases, it was more than a little foggy but that makes for nice pictures I think.
 I'm glad I discovered the way to get out to the lighthouse for closer shots.
 I decided that I would catch the ship near the beginning of the pier because I wanted the lighthouse in the shots.
 After the ship had passed, I got the shots that I didn't want to miss the ship over.
 From a slightly different angle.
 As I was heading out from the pier towards the parking lot.
 A shot from the parking lot.
 I discovered that there is a State Park across the channel, so I decided to head over there.  I was hoping to catch the ship as she headed out.  Sadly, she was having issues with her self-unloader and I would have had to wait a couple more hours before she finally left.  I didn't want to be out too long, so I left.
A sailboat as it passes.

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