Friday, June 12, 2015

Fun Day at Work Today

Sometimes I will use my office as a place to get pictures when I can't think of anything else for that particular day.  Normally I don't post pictures from inside work but today was kind of a special day.  We were celebrating the 200th employee at our combined Michigan offices (Troy and Ann Arbor) and by 200, I mean that we now have over 200 employees at both facilities.  That is kind of a major milestone for a company that started it's presence in Michigan with a handful of employees.
They had a pretty good lunch set up and they also had games set up around the office.  They would have been setup outside, but the weather looked kind of nasty.  Since I was functioning as the official photographer for the event, I didn't have a chance to play any of the games but I had fun because I enjoy my photography.

This is a pictures of a traditional Japanese game called "kendama".  The object is to get the ball which is called a "tama" on one of the cups.  The cups on the sides are called the "ozara" which is the larger cup and the "kozara" which is the smaller cup.  The cup on the base is called the "chuzara".  There is a spike on the top which is called the "kensaki".  The game goes back to hunting days.

I did try this one a couple of times....but no success.

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