Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Pictures of the Bridge and Lighthouse

After lunch, I decided to head down to the Bridge View Park to get some shots of the Bridge.  I guess I always have to get pictures of the Bridge when I stop in Mackinaw City.
 Which is fine, because it's a pretty nice looking bridge.
 It was a fairly nice day.
 I also got some shots of the lighthouse.
 More shots of the Bridge.
 I'll have to say that this is probably one of my favorite lighthouses.  It almost reminds me of a castle.
 It was a shame that she was made obsolete by the Bridge.  But then again, I guess that's the march of progress.
 The fairly common shot of the Bridge.
 The long view of the Bridge.  It's amazing that this is five miles long.
 Another shot of that.
 The lighthouse from another angle.

And one more shot of the Bridge before moving on.

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