Tuesday, July 14, 2015

A Brief Stop in Indianapolis

Since it was sort of on the way home, I decided to make a brief stop in Indianapolis.  I kind of like the immediate downtown area and it has been a while since I've been there.
 I think my favorite thing there is the Soldier's and Sailor's Memorial.  Nominally, it is dedicated to the people of Indiana that fought in the Civil War, but I think they cover a few other wars too.
 I talked about this memorial a while ago but I will go over its details again.  It was built in 1888 by Bruno Schmitz out of Indiana Sandstone.  As you can see, it has some pretty neat sculptures all around it.
 some soldiers being led by an angel I think.
 There is also a ring of bronze statues around it.
 A statue dedicated to an artilleryman.
 Since it's called a Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument, I guess it has to have one sailor.  If I remember correctly, there is a memorial to the USS Indianapolis on the inside.
 The Indiana State Capital building was pretty close.
 A Cavalryman.
 The Monument itself is 284 feet tall.
 A full shot of the monument.
 Looking at one of the buildings around the monument.
 And a street.
 Another statue.
 I presume this is a soldier that is leaving his family to go to war.
 the statue on the other side.
 Another view of the monument.
A church and a tall building.  I don't remember what either were called though.

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