Sunday, July 19, 2015

A Stop at Jackson Yard

I saw that the Wilfred Sykes would be heading into Grand Haven yesterday, so I decided to head over there.  I ended up taking a convoluted way out of the area because I was hoping to get some donuts at a place on the western side of Ann Arbor.  Sadly, they were closed.  However, that meant that I had to take another route to Grand Haven.  I ended up taking I-94 to US 127.  It's not too much longer either time wise or distance wise, so I guess I didn't lose much going that way.
 Since it was sort of on the way, I decided to make a stop at the Jackson Rail Yard.  I ended up going to the opposite side of where I was last time.  It would put me more in line with the light although I wasn't sure if it was private or not (I didn't see any signs).  There were only a handful of trains there and most of them were the trains like this.
 The high nose version of the train above.
Sort of an overall shot of the yard itself.

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