Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Ann Arbor Railroad Engines

As I was heading home from work today, I noticed a pair of engines parked in the yard by my office.
 They were parked back a ways, so I decided to head over there.  First up is the leet engine of the Ann Arbor Railroad.  For some reason, it reminds me of the Union Pacific color scheme.  Of course, it's likely the engine came from the Union Pacific.
Trying for an angle that I don't normally get since the train wasn't going anywhere.
 Which do you like better, landscape or portrait?
 Another angle that I don't normally get because I'm normally taking pictures of moving trains.
 I didn't realize that the Ann Arbor Railroad was taken over in 2013 by another holding company.  I guess this is one of their engines.
 But it had the Ann Arbor Railroad symbol.  I couldn't really linger for too long because the mosquitos were eating me alive.

Gives an idea of the size of an engine.
As I was heading back to my car, I saw that I had an opportunity for a bifecta anyway.

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