Saturday, July 25, 2015

The St Clair Coming off Lake Huron

I was kind of waffling today.  I was half tempted to head over to Ashtabula to catch the Nickel Plate 765 as she arrived from Youngstown.  As I looked at the map, I wasn't sure where there would be a good place to catch her, so I decided against that.  Last night as I was looking at AIS, I didn't think there would be many ships coming down today.  When I looked this morning, I realized that I must have missed a couple.
 It turns out that I would catch three ships today.  The first of the bunch was the St. Clair.  She was moving at a leisurely 5 knots for a while.  I'm not sure why she was moving that slow though.
 She arrived in Port Huron about an hour before the storms arrived.  The sky was looking a little ominous but not that much.
 I was trying a different spot today, so I didn't have the long opportunity to get the headshot, but I still got one.
 She makes her turn to enter the channel.
 And she passes under the Bridge.
And the almost beam shot.
She is headed down to Cleveland, presumably with a load of iron ore.

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