Monday, July 6, 2015

Catching the Blough

It seems that it's hit or miss when I catch the Blough.  So everytime I get a chance to catch her when she passes the area, I try to catch her.
 I decided to catch her as she passed the Rocky Beach but the Rocky Beach is experiencing the same thing that many of my other shipwatching spots are experiencing.  Namely the level of the Lakes are currently so high that much of the beach is gone.  This made things a little difficult.
 But I found a place where I could get pictures.  It was pretty much one of my normal places but not on the beach.
 However, I still have a spot where I can get a headshot.  I just wish it wasn't so hazy and I was shooting in to the sun.
 She makes her turn for the channel.
 And she starts to pass by.
 One more shot from Belle Isle.
 I decided to head to Riverside Park next.  I wanted to catch shots of the Westcott as well.  When I thought I heard that Riverside was going to re-open this year, that apparently was a rumor.  The park itself is still closed but there are places to park if you want to brave it.
 She makes her turn to continue down the Detroit River.
 She is slowly approached by the Westcott.
 I don't normally get shots of the Ambassador Bridge lately since I don't go to Riverside as much, so it was kind of nice to get a shot of it.
 The Blough passes under the Bridge.
 Another shot of that.
 The Westcott as she pulls away from the Blough.  Both gave each other a salute.
And the Blough continues on to Conneaut.  With any luck, I might be able to catch her on the return trip but I doubt it.

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