Thursday, July 2, 2015

Finally, the Paul R. Tregurtha

After a while, the Paul R. Tregurtha appeared.
 Last week, she was carrying a pair of reporters from the Detroit Free Press.  They were writing a story about life on a freighter.   They were tied up to the west of the Locks while some dignitaries visited her.   I guess that included a Congressman or two.  I hope that they were asked why the money for the new lock can't be found.  But I digress.
 At any rate, it was cool to see the largest ship on the Lakes pass by.  I know that I have seen her several times in the past, it is still cool to see her.
 She looks very impressive.
 We got a pretty nice salute as she passed by.
 The Free Press Report was in the back somewhere.
 I headed over to Four Mile beach to catch her again.  She goes to St. Clair fairly often but it seems like I am either working or sleeping when she passes.
 A straight out shot.
 And a more straight out shot.
Speaking of which, she was heading back to St Clair to deliver her reporters and coal.

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