Saturday, July 11, 2015

Michigan Exposures in Covered Bridge Country

A few years ago when  I first looked into covered bridges in my area, I saw that there were quite a few down in Indiana.  Since then, I've been meaning to come and visit this area but other things tended to get in the way.  Well, I decided that I wouldn't delay any further.
The main concentration is in an area called Clarke County.  It seems like the main town in this area is Rockville, IN and that is currently where I am staying.  Looking at the little pamphlet that shows their locations, there are almost forty in this area.  I'm not sure how many I will get to see tomorrow but I'm going to make a valiant effort to see a few.

This particular bridge is no longer in use.  There isn't even a foot trail that crosses it.  But I figured it made a nice picture.  Since I'm on the road, I will post more when I get home.

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