Thursday, July 2, 2015

One More Stop at the Mackinac Bridge

I decided to make a stop at the Mackinac Bridge to get pictures from the St. Ignace side.  While I like the Mackinac Bridge, I hate crossing it for the return trip.  But oh well, all good things come to an end, right?
 It's amazing that if you wanted to go in the Upper Peninsula you needed to take a ferry.  It was nice that we had a few politicians with vision to get this thing built.  I don't think the Upper Peninsula would be nearly the tourist destination that it is if you had to wait for a ferry.  It's also a shame that we don't have that kind of vision these days.
 It's even more amazing that it crosses a five mile stretch.  It's a shame that it is no longer the world's longest bridge but progress, I guess.
 Another angle of the bridge.
 I think these used to be part of the ferry docks.  I'm not sure how many crossing were made in a day, but I would imagine it had to be a few.
 Looking almost straight out.
 A different orientation.
 Part of the docks.
 A statue dedicated to the men who built this Bridge.
After talking with someone else who was taking pictures, I mentioned the view from McGulpin Point.  So I decided to head over there.  I was surprised at how much of the beach was underwater but I managed to get a shot of the Bridge.

I will have to say that I had a pretty good weekend at the Soo.  Even though I didn't spend much time at the Locks themselves, I got some pretty good pictures.  I found another spot for getting ship pictures.  I got pictures of 26 different ships in all which makes for a pretty good weekend.  I caught a few of my favorites as well.

I'm not sure what I will be doing this weekend but I'm pretty sure fireworks will be involved somewhere.

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