Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Some Quick Shots of Engineers Day

On the last Friday of every June, the Army Corps of Engineers open up areas of the Soo Locks that aren't normally accessible.  I'm not sure how long this tradition has been going on but I've been going for four years now.
 It is actually pretty cool but I didn't really feel like dealing with the crowds this year.  It seemed like there were more people here but then again, it was pretty nice too.
 Looking up at the tower.
 A view that I don't normally get.
 Normally, I would wander in this building but I wanted to catch the ship outside the locks.
 This gives you an idea of the number of people here.
 And of course, this is one of the reasons why I like to go on Engineer's Day, but they were trying to keep the gate cleared in order to ease traffic.  I really can't blame them because it was fairly busy.
 I think this boat is used to build a mobile bridge.
This boat is used by the Border Patrol.

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