Thursday, July 2, 2015

The Song of the HHL Volga

The Great Lakes gets a fair number of ocean going vessels coming in.  They bring different kinds of cargo in and generally take grain or steel out.  It seems like there have been a few ships that have brought in windmill blades.
 Which is what the HHL Volga was bringing in.  I believe she was taking the blades to Duluth and I'm not sure what she would be taking back.
 The HHL Volga is owned by the Hansa Heavy Lift company out of Bremen, Germany.  I don't have many details about her besides that.
 At any rate, I will say that she is a pretty neat looking ship, especially with all the windmill blades that she was carrying.
 The light was just perfect to catch this almost reflection shot.  I love the way the ship was reflecting in the water.
And she makes her way to the Locks.

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