Saturday, August 15, 2015

The Cuyahoga Visits St Joseph

Ever since I started to take pictures of ships in earnest, I've wanted to get pictures of them at the various western Michigan ports.    I've caught ships in Grand Haven and Muskegon so far.  When I saw that the Cuyahoga was headed to St. Joseph, I figured I would give it a try.
 Last night when I checked AIS, it didn't look like she was going to be there until 1:30 or so.  She must have picked up speed over night because when I checked this morning, it was earlier.  That meant a quick shower and a quick trip over there.  I made it just in time.
 I was actually hoping to catch her as she passed the lighthouse but I didn't make it in time.  Even if I did make it in time, it might have been difficult to get there as there was some sort of fair going on today.
 As shot of her as she passes the grain elevator but that isn't where she was going.
 A shot of her pilothouse.
 Another full on shot of her.
 There was a little park next to the bridge, I decided to head there to catch some pictures of her as she passed through the bridge.
 A shot of her pilothouse.
 They lower a workboat that they use to handle the lines as they go into the dock.
 I think this is a cool logo but it reminds me too much of the Chicago Blackhawks.
 She continues down the river, but she didn't have far to go.
 She starts to extend her boom before arriving at the salt pile.
 Trying to frame her.
 She was offloading salt from Goderich.  There have been quite a few ships doing that this summer.  I just hope that means that towns have overplanned and we will have a mild winter.
 I was able to find a couple other spots to get a shot of her at the dock.
Another shot of her at the dock.

I will definitely have to keep an eye out for ships heading over to St. Joseph again.  Maybe next time I can catch one as it passes the lighthouse.  I didn't get any pictures of the lighthouse today because they are working on it.  I'm not sure when they will be done.

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