Wednesday, September 16, 2015

An Ypsilanti Cemetery

My mom posted a picture of a Civil War Memorial from a nearby cemetery.  She did this while she was looking for my cousin's dog. I've passed this cemetery a few times but I never really ventured inside.  I really should make it a point to visit more cemeteries since the right ones tend to be a who's who of the city you are visiting.
 This particular statue was dedicated on Memorial Day of 1895 and was built by the Woman's Relief Corps of Ypsilanti.  The Women's Relief Corps was an auxiliary organization to the Grand Army of the Republic which was a veterans group for members that served the Union during the Civil War.
 So obviously, this was erected in honor of the Union Troops.
 When I saw my mom's picture, it looked like one of those generic statues you see around but it turns out that it is alot more detailed.
 Which is pretty cool.
 I'm guessing by the presence of a sword, this would be representative of an officer.
 The Michigan State Seal...sort of.
 I want to say that this is a marker of an unknown soldier from the 27th Michigan Volunteer Infantry Regiment.  Since it was mustered into service in Port Huron and Ypsilanti, it would be presumed that unidentified remains would be from one of those towns.  The unit itself was formed in 1863 and fought in Vicksburg, the Wilderness, Spotsylvania, Cold Harbor, Petersburg, the Crater and the Appomatox Campaign.  It had a total of 432 fatalities (either from battle or disease).  It was mustered out of service in 1865.
 Another view of the memorial.
I presume that this is a chapel.

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