Saturday, September 12, 2015

Next Up...the Dorothy Ann/Pathfinder

I was not expecting to see the next ship because I wasn't really checking for upbound ships however I will take it.
 The ship in question isn't really a ship at all but a tug/barge.  The barge portion used to be a ship at one time and from what I've seen, she was a beautiful ship.
 Ships are like anything else, they get old and tower.  However, sometimes there are bits that are still useful.  In this case, her hull was still useful.
 It was a pretty gray day yesterday though.
 She makes her way under the bridge.  It was pretty slow going for her, I'm not sure if that was because there was a ship downbound or she was having a tough time dealing with the waves.
 A shot of her tug.  Her tug is pretty neat in that it has nozzles that can help maneuver in the various rivers she goes to.
 She heads out to Lake Huron.
And one more shot of her, I really liked the looks of the clouds.

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