Monday, September 7, 2015

Ships Resting In Huron, Ohio

Next I stopped in Huron, Ohio to take some pictures of the ships that are currently laid up there.
 The ore market is a little soft at the moment.  With the Chinese dumping steel on the market and the demand from China softening up, steel prices are down right now.  That means that ore prices are down.  But I think one of the other issues for the Boland is that she is too large for the Cuyahoga River and not large enough for other things.  However, I'm sure that once the market picks up, she will be out and about again.

 I will say she is a pretty nice looking ship.
 The Adam Cornelius suffers from the same issue as the Boland but it seems like she's been in layup more than she's been out and about.
 A better shot of the Boland because I wasn't shooting into the sun.
And one more shot of the Cornelius.

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