Monday, September 28, 2015

The Bramble

I've passed by the Bramble a number of times.  One of these days I will actually pay her a visit.  While I am doing that, I will also pay a visit to the Huron Lightship.
 Anyway, the Bramble currently serves as a Museum Ship.  A few months ago, she moved from her normal spot and I wasn't really expecting that to happen but it did.
 She is a 180 foot seagoing buoy tender that was built in Duluth by the Zenith Dredge Company in 1943 for the US Coast Guard.
 In 1945, she was transferred to San Pedro, California.  Later in that year, she was moved up to Alaska where she did aids to navigation work around the Aleutian Islands. 
 In 1957, she participated in a mission to force passage through the Arctic Ice.  She with two other cutters, would be the first American surface ships to do so.
 After that, she was transferred to Detroit for a while.
She was decommissioned and replaced by the Hollyhock which is one of the pictures above.

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