Monday, October 19, 2015

A Brief Walk at my Alma Mater

As I was heading home from work, I looked up at the sky and decided it was a nice night for some fall pictures.  I ended up heading over to Eastern and getting some pictures there.
 I started with the Water Tower but I was kind of looking into the sun and couldn't get a great shot from this angle.
 I looked over in the direction of Pierce Hall and liked the way the light was hitting it.  I ended up walking over there.
Since I was in the neighborhood, I decided to get a shot of Pease Auditorium.  I really liked the way the light was hitting it.
 I kind of liked the leading lines on this one.  I was hoping for more of the colors.
 I really like the look of Sherzer Hall in the fall.  There are some really nice looking trees in front of it.
EMU's oldest building Starkweather Hall.
A shot of Welch Hall from a different angle.
The sun was starting to rapidly set, so I was losing my light.
 I kind of liked the way that McKenny Hall looked.
Looking up at the Water Tower.
 Welch Hall from the front.
One more shot of the water tower.

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