Monday, October 5, 2015

A Stop With the Nickel Plate

I ended up heading over to Conneaut Ohio on Saturday.  I was going to check out all the covered bridges in the area over there.  There are 17 of them and I managed to catch all of them.  I will post pictures of those later.
 One the way over, I decided to chase after the Nickel Plate 765 as she was wandering through the Cuyahoga Valley.  This was last weekend to catch her.
 I decided to catch her at Independence, OH.  I'm not sure if that was the best place to catch her but it was a place I knew that I could probably find parking and get a decent place.
 Fortunately, the weather was iffy on Saturday, so I didn't have to compete with too many other people.
 It gave me some relatively clear shots of her.
And her helper engine.

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