Friday, October 23, 2015

Scared by the Aird

After the Munson, I decided to head up to Port Huron in order to catch a couple of ships up there.  They were heading upbound.
 The first of those ships was the John B. Aird.  She was heading up to Goderich, Ontario.
 I was a little distracted because a helicopter was flying by at this point.
 She presented the headshot.
 And then started to turn to head out into Lake Huron.
 I'm not sure if you can notice it, but if you look just about the middle of the ship, you can see a drone.  There was someone flying it.  While I would love to get a drone, I'm not sure how well it would work for me.  I'm sure it would give me the opportunity for different pictures but I think I would like to do both. 
 Here she is framed by the Blue Water Bridge.
 A shot of her pilothouse.
And she continues on to Lake Huron.

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