Thursday, October 15, 2015

The Pop-X Exhibit - Ann Arbor

Pop-X is an exhibit put together by the Ann Arbor Art Center.  It is a gathering of local Ann Arbor Artists.  The only reason I knew about it is because my mom has some work in one of the boothes.
 The first day of the exhibit was today and it goes through October 24th.  It is in the Liberty Plaza which is about two blocks west of the former Border's Store.
 My initial reaction was that it reminded me of a shanty down.  Well maybe a nicer version of a shanty town, but still.
 Some of the art was pretty cool.  I'm not really sold on this one.
 This was the booth that my mom's work was in.  She didn't do the bugs on the ceiling though.  This booth was put on by the Ann Arbor Woman's Artist Association.
 She did do the pears in the picture though.  I thought they were pretty cool, although I didn't know she did them at the time I took the pictures.
 A shot of the outside of their booth.  I'm not really sure what to make of it though.
 Some of the art was trying to make some kind of point.
 And some it was pretty cool.
 this was probably my second favorite booth in the exhibit.
 It had a dinner table with all sorts of weird guests. 
 I didn't take too many pictures of it though.
 But I did like it.
 This was part of my favorite booth.  The thing is actually 3-D and it is sticking out.  However in this picture it looks depressed.
 Another shot of my mom's booth.  Taken as a whole, it was pretty cool.
One more shot of the whole thing.

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