Wednesday, November 25, 2015

A Brief Stop at the Airport

I ended up getting out of work early tonight.  That gave me a little time to do some planewatching.  It was actually a pretty nice night for it.
 I caught this plane as I was getting out of my car.  It is a Van's RV-6 and is a homebuilt aircraft.  It is powered by a 180hp Lycoming engine which gives it a top speed of 210 miles per hour.  It can carry one passenger in addition to the pilot.
 One of the Cessnas I always see.
 And it is owned by the Michigan Flyers.
 I also see this Cessna fairly often.  I liked the light hough.
This is a Cessna 310 and it is my understanding that it needs some work.  It is still a pretty cool looking aircraft.

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