Monday, November 30, 2015

A Trip to the South Haven Lighthouse

So I made the trek down to South Haven next.  Again, it was a while since I've been there.
 I really like the lighthouses on Lake Michigan.  Most of them have a cat walk like this one and it makes them look unique.
 And of course, when you see the size of the waves over here, you can see why they'd have a catwalk.  I can't imagine trying to get over to the lighthouse to do repairs or whatever without one.
 A view from the front.
 I kind of like the shadows across the pier.
 I was trying for a shot with leading lines.  what do you think?
 Another shot looking down the pier.
 Back on the beach.
Normally, I don't like people in my shots of buildings but I don't mind in this one.  I think they add something to the shot.

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