Monday, November 2, 2015

The Sten Baltic Docked

I saw that there was the potential for the Aurora Borealis tonight, so I decided to head up to Port Huron because I figured I might have a chance of seeing them over Lake Huron.  I've wanted to do night shots for a while up there, especially some of the ships.  So if I didn't see the Aurora Borealis, I figured it would be a wash.
 First up was one of the ships that was docked over on the Sarnia side.  In this case the Sten Baltic which is a Norwegian Flagged Tanker.  She is owned by Rederiet Stenersen and was built in 2005.
 I think she may be new to the lakes.
And the only real difference between these pictures is the exposure settings.  I think I like the middle one the best.

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