Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Early Morning Boatwatching With the Gott

So I saw that there was a group of ships coming down this morning.   I estimated that they would be passing Port Huron around 7:30 to 8:00 in the morning.  But I wasn't sure, so I rolled out of bed at 4:30, took my shower, made coffee and headed up to Port Huron.
 The first ship that I saw was the Edwin H. Gott. 
 She was leaving Zug Island and was heading up to Two Harbors.  I think because she has the boom, she's more versatile than the Blough and Speer which means she's picking up the slack from the those two laid up ships.  Of course, she wont be wandering out much longer with the Locks closing on January 15.
 A shot of the park.  I think the range lights looked pretty cool.
 A shot of her pilothouse.
 And she approaches the Blue Water Bridge.
 I like the mixture of lights in the water.
Even though I'm not 100% sure about these pictures, I want to try more night photography with ships.

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