Friday, December 25, 2015

Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas

Wow, it seems like Christmas kind of snuck up on me this year.  It doesn't seem like it was too long ago that I was posting pictures of turkeys for Thanksgiving.  So here we go.
 Because of Chessie, I don't have a Christmas tree of my own, so I decided to use a picture of the tree at work.  It's actually a pretty nicely decorated tree.  With the weather we've been having, it doesn't seem like Christmas though.  It's been way too warm for this time of year.  We had a brief cold spell and some snow not too long ago but that is now gone.
 I wish a Happy Holidays because I realize that not everyone that reads this blog celebrates Christmas.  I don't buy into the whole "Merry Christmas" thing because it seems like many of the people who offer it aren't offering it in the spirit of the holiday.   Even when you wish a happy holiday, you aren't doing some sort of politically correct thing because holiday is a derivative of "holy day" and you are acknowledging that there are several holy days at this time of year.
So I hope that my readers have a safe and happy holiday whatever holiday they celebrate.

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