Saturday, December 12, 2015

The Leitch Moves On

The next ship wasn't too far behind the Manitoba.
 There are many in the boatnerd community that do not the like the Leitch.  They think she is ugly and ungainly.  She certainly has one of the more unique pilothouses on the Lakes.
 I guess the design of the pilothouse increases the amount of cargo that she can carry.  This is important for a cargo vessel because more cargo means more money per load.
 At any rate, I think she is heading from Thunder Bay to Clarkson.  Clarkson is on the west side of Toronto.  I presume she has a load of grain but again I'm not sure.
 A shot of her pilothouse.
 And a shot of stack.

She moved down the river.
 Since she was following the Manitoba, I decided to catch her at Marine City as well.  Even though there are many that do not like her, I'm not one of those.  I think she has character.
 The almost beam shot.
 And the beam shot.
 A straight out shot of her pilothouse.
 Another beam shot.
A shot of her deckhouse before she moves along.

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