Wednesday, December 30, 2015

The Mighty Paul R. Tregurtha

This was the ship that actually dragged me up to Port Huron.
 Even though her normal run is to the power plant at St. Clair, it seems like I can never catch her.
 At 1013.5 feet, she is the largest freighter that currently travels on the Lakes.  This gives her the title of  "Queen of the Lakes".
 Like I said, she normally makes the run to the power plant with a load of coal.   She can carry 68,000 tons of it. 
 She makes her turn towards the channel.
 The headshot is probably my favorite.  It gives you an idea of just how huge these ships are.
 With another turn, she enters the St Clair River channel.
 It's amazing watching these giant ships maneuver the way they do.
 And this shot gives you an idea of her length.
 A shot for some clouds.
 A shot of her bow.
 Another almost beam shot.
 And her pilothouse.
I was actually thinking of chasing her down the river, but at this point getting up at 4:30 caught up to me.

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