Sunday, December 13, 2015

Two Milestones Reached

I wasn't feeling terribly motivated today, so I didn't head out anywhere.  It looked like a quiet day on the river and I got too late of a start for other things.  So I didn't take any pictures today.  But I'm not going to let that get in the way of a post.

As I was looking over my stats, I've reached two milestones.  Sometime in the last month, I made my 5,000th post.  I also had my 700,000th visit.  For both of those milestones I want to thank the folks that visit this blog.  If you didn't visit here, I wouldn't be motivated to continue it and I certainly wouldn't have the number of visitors that I do.

I will admit, I'm probably too heavy in ships here but I like to follow ships.  If there are some other things that you would like to see, please post them in the comments.

So again, thank you.

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