Monday, January 25, 2016

And An Appearance by the Algonova

And when I thought I was done with the shipping season, I looked at AIS and I saw that there was a ship that was heading up.  I also saw that she would be passing Belle Isle at about the time I wanted to leave the Auto Show.
 The ship in question was the Algonova.  It seems that there are always a couple of ships that will transit the Lakes after the Locks are closed.  They pretty much have to stick to either the lower Lakes or Lake Superior.  For the most part, they tend to be tankers.
 The Algonova was built in 2008 at the Eregli Shipyad in Zonguldak, Turkey.
 She is owned by the Tanker division of Algoma Central.
 She was heading up to Sarnia.  I'm not sure if that was for layup or to pick up another load of fuel.
At anyrate, it was pretty cool to see a ship.

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