Monday, January 25, 2016

Down in Detroit for the Auto Show

I went down to Detroit in order to catch the Auto Show yesterday.  I had a pretty nice day.
 I ended up parking at Greektown Casino.  Mainly because it was free and I could take the People Mover over to Cobo Hall.  There is a pretty nice view of the Detroit Skyline from the parking structure there.
 I think this is supposed to be a Lions player.  The current #21 is Ameer Abdullah but I think this was painted when Reggie Bush was wearing that number.
 Just missed the People Mover.
 But the station is heated, so it was too bad.
 It didn't take too long for our train to appear.
The car was fairly full.
 Another shot of the skyline from the train.
 There is a Joe Louis statue in Cobo Arena.
 Kind of a Detroit still life.
Another view of the skyline from the parking structure at Greektown.

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