Sunday, January 17, 2016

Eastern Michigan Vs. Bowling Green Basketball

Like I said in an earlier post, I also had a basketball game yesterday.  There were a couple of other ships heading down but I wanted to get the basketball game.  As usual, I will post stuff other than the basketball game here.  If you want shots of the game go to Eagle Totem.
 Since it was a daylight game, it gave me the opportunity to get some shots of the Convocation Center.
 I like the flags in front of the Convocation Center.
 The Eastern flag.
 I saw the "E" decal in the window and I decided I wanted a picture with it.
 Another shot of the stadium.
 I was trying to get a little artsy.
And as always, I will post my favorite shot from the game.  It probably wasn't my best though.

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